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Published: January 12, 2024

According to the weather service in Texas, the Houston, Dallas, and Austin area are going to have a hard freeze this upcoming week. This is to remind The Homeplace at the Columns residents to winterize their property to prevent the inconvenience and expense of broken water pipes.

The HOA and its vendors have implemented procedures to help ensure that common area irrigation, lake fountain, and pool amenity equipment/facilities endure the freezing temperatures. If you should encounter an urgent issue in a common area only – pool, playground, pond, open spaces – please report the issue to Essex Management Customer Service at 972-428-2030.

Additionally, following these very simple guidelines at home in preparing for a freeze will help tremendously:

    • Keep your home heated to at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Hoses should be disconnected from outside faucets. If you have an exterior faucet, please make sure that it is wrapped.
    • At least one inside faucet, preferably more, should drip lukewarm water so that both hot and cold pipes are involved.
    • Open interior doors to rooms, cupboards, and vanities to allow warm air to circulate around pipes during the hard freezing conditions.

For urgent situations on private property/at your home, please contact a local service provider, utility company, or call 911 according to need.

Thank you.

The Homeplace at the Columns HOA

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