Event Starts: May 06, 2023
We are organizing a grass roots cleanup day for all Columns residents to participate. In conjunction with Earth Day, Sunday April 23, I am planning The Columns Earth Day event on Saturday, May 6, from 9 am to 12 pm, with the approval and sponsorship of our HOA. The goal is to beautify the neighborhood by picking up trash, debris, and recyclable items in our common areas, streams, lakes, walkways, and public areas. Think of it as our neighborhood's "Spring Cleaning"! All work will be done by volunteers that are residents of The Columns.
There will be a table set up outside of the pool area from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm noon to pick up garbage bags and gloves and other items needed for the event. Collected trash will be dropped off at the dumpster located across TBD. All participants are responsible for their own safety. Please be mindful of all potential hazards when off-trail while collecting debris. I also would like participants to collect recyclables in separate bags to place in their own personal Waste Connections receptacle.
We are still looking for a photographer to volunteer their time to take photos for social media coverage. Please contact us if you or anyone you know would be interested in doing this. Any commitment, large or small, will impact our community in a positive way. Thank you in advance for your interest and support!
Click here to download and read The Columns Community Cleanup Day